eDocPrinter PDF Pro creates PDF files from applications in Windows 2000, Windows XP, or above . It works as a printer under windows environment, hence users can print from whatever application utilizing windows GDI printing device.
How to convert your still image to the dynamic slideshow and share with others in the video format on video sharing websites or mobile device like YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, iPod, iPad, iPhone, PSP, Blackberry cell phone, Archos, Zune? GiliSoft SlideShow Maker is the easy-to-use yet powerful Photo to Video Converter.
ez1099 Software: Simple, Fast and Affordable Tax Forms Preparing, Printing and eFiling Solution 1099s, 1098s, 5498s, W2G, 1097BTC, 8935, 3921, 3922, 1096 Fill, Print(paper) and E-file(paperless) for Businesses and Accountants.
ezW2 software can print ALL W-2 forms (copy A, B, C, D, 1 and 2) and W-3 forms on plain paper with your laser or ink-jet printer. The black and white substitute forms of W-2 Copy A and W-3 are SSA-approved (Vendor ID: 1335).
EXAPLAY is designed for rock-solid, smooth high-resolution playback of video content even beyond 8K@60Hz, supporting the latest GPU-based codecs available on the market.
Kalya N.23 - Divisi (Bugs Comics Settembre 2024) Italian | CBR + PDF | 70 pages | 201 MB
Kalya, in attesa di ritrovarsi con i suoi compagni al Porto del Deserto, si scontra con il presidio militare sarabriano comandato da un gjaldest, scoprendo che Hamon ha dato l'ordine di fermarla a ogni costo.
Samuel Stern N.58 - Il palazzo della memoria (Bugs Comics Settembre 2024) Italian | CBR + PDF | 68 pages | 154 MB
Viviamo un mondo popolato da demoni. Un mondo nel quale gli esorcismi di Samuel non occorrono più, semplicemente perché tutta l'Ombra viene direttamente espulsa fuori dall'uomo e riempie il mondo di spettri.
A gritty homeless woman is forced to fight for her life when a blood feud between two centuries-old gangs spills onto the doorstep of the home where has been squatting.
Windows 11, version 24H2, also known as the Windows 11 2024 Update, is now available through Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and Windows Update for Business.