2023 Complete Neo4J Graphdb Bootcamp: Zero To Hero (Updated)

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2023 Complete Neo4J Graphdb Bootcamp: Zero To Hero (Updated)

Last updated 7/2023
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 14.58 GB | Duration: 22h 42m

Neo4j:NoSQL All-IN-ONE Graph Database With Cypher (Foundation, Beginner, Intermediate & Expert) | Use with Python

What you'll learn
Acquire the skills and understanding of Neo4j to confidently apply GraphDB to your projects
Gain Beginner to Advanced Knowledge of Neo4j & Cypher Query Language
Learn to Use Python to Work with Neo4j
Pass Your Next Neo4j GraphDB Interview and Exam With Ease
Learn to Use APOC, Predicate, Scalar, Aggregating, List,
 String, Mathematical Numeric, and Mathematical Trigonometric Functions In Neo4j
Understand Regular Expressions, Pattern, Data Integrity and Queries of Different kinds.
Understand the LOAD CSV in Great Details and Learn to Import Real Life Data To Neo4j
Understand the Link Between SQL and GraphDB.
Learn to Use Neo4j Professionally, Navigate Through Graph and Gain Insight Into Your Data
Practice Extensively Along With Real Life Problems With Solutions and Q & A
Learn Neo4j From Experienced Professional Graph Database Practitioner
Learn to Create, Read, Update and Delete Nodes and Relationships
Learn to Use Merge, Unwind, Range, With, Union, Limit, Where, Skip, Order By, Distinct, Match, Optional Match and Several Clauses In Neo4j
Deep Dive Into Cypher
and many more

No programming experience is needed - I'll teach you everything you need to know in Neo4j
No paid software required - everything will be done with Neo4j Desktop and Browser (which are free)
A Mac laptop/iMac or a Windows PC
I'll walk you through, step-by-step on how to get Neo4j Desktop installed and set up

Neo4j is a NoSQL graph database management system (DBMS) with more than 400 commercial customers, including Cisco, eBay and LinkedIn. Neo4j is known for its low-code online resources that help educate non-technical potential customers about the uses and benefits of graph databases.A graph database is a database designed to treat the relationships between data as equally important to the data itself. It is intended to hold data without constricting it to a pre-defined model. Instead, the data i stored like we first draw it out - showing how each individual entity connects with or is related to others.In this course, you are going to learn Neo4j from beginner to advanced level. I will show you everything you need to know to use Neo4j in your next projectWho this course is for:This course is for you if you want to learn how to work with Neo4j - the number one most popular NoSQL Graph Database. This course if for you if you want to learn to use Python to work with Neo4jThis course if for you if you want to master the in-and-out of Neo4j and use it in your next project.This course is for you if you are tired of Neo4j courses that are too brief or complicated.This course is for you if you want to learn Neo4j by doing and like exciting challenges.This course is for you if after studying you would like to be a Certified Neo4j Professional and also Pass a Neo4j InterviewThis course is for you if you want to distinguish yourself from the crowd.This course is for you if you've just discovered without Neo4j you can't do much with big data, data science, machine learning, AI, or becoming a better developer.

Section 1: Basic Neo4j | Data Modeling

Lecture 1 Graph Success Starts Here: Unfold the Neo4j Database Journey with Us

Lecture 2 Introduction to Neo4kj

Lecture 3 Data Modeling in Neo4j

Lecture 4 Data Modeling - Family Tree

Lecture 5 Data Modeling - Crime Investigation

Lecture 6 Data Modeling - About a Company

Lecture 7 SQL vs CQL

Lecture 8 Case Sensitivity

Lecture 9 Symbolic Representation of Graph

Section 2: Installation and Setup

Lecture 10 Installation of Neo4j Desktop (Step by Step)

Lecture 11 Understanding the Neo4j Desktop

Lecture 12 Creating Project and Database in Neo4j Desktop

Section 3: Neo4j Browser

Lecture 13 Understanding the Neo4j Browser I

Lecture 14 Understanding the Neo4j Browser II

Lecture 15 Understanding the Neo4j Browser III

Section 4: Create Clause in Neo4j

Lecture 16 Class - Creating Empty Nodes

Lecture 17 Lab - Creating Empty Nodes

Lecture 18 Class - Variables in Neo4j

Lecture 19 Lab- Variables in Neo4j

Lecture 20 Class - Creating a Node with Labels

Lecture 21 Lab - Creating a Node with Labels

Lecture 22 Class - Creating Nodes With Properties

Lecture 23 Lab - Creating Nodes With Properties

Lecture 24 Class - Creating a Node with Properties and Labels

Lecture 25 Lab - Creating a Node with Properties and Labels

Lecture 26 Class - Creating Relationships

Lecture 27 Lab - Creating Relationships

Lecture 28 Class - Asterisk

Lecture 29 Lab - Class - Asterisk

Lecture 30 Class - Exercise and Solution

Lecture 31 Lab - Exercise and Solution

Lecture 32 Class - Relationship with uncommon characters

Lecture 33 Lab - Relationship with uncommon characters

Lecture 34 Class - Exercise and Solution

Lecture 35 Lab - Exercise and Solution

Lecture 36 Class - Understanding Full Part

Lecture 37 Lab - Understanding Full Part

Lecture 38 Class - Creating Relationships Between Nodes - Family Tree

Lecture 39 Lab - Creating Relationships Between Nodes - Family Tree

Lecture 40 Class - Creating Relationships Between Nodes - Crime Investigation

Lecture 41 Lab - Creating Relationships Between Nodes - Crime Investigation

Lecture 42 Exercise - Creating Relationships Between Nodes - About a Company

Section 5: Match Clause in Neo4j

Lecture 43 Class - Matching all Nodes

Lecture 44 Lab - Matching all Nodes

Lecture 45 Class - Matched Nodes with Labels

Lecture 46 Lab - Matched Nodes with Labels

Lecture 47 Class - Matching Related Nodes

Lecture 48 Lab - Matching Related Nodes

Lecture 49 Class - Related Node - Exercise with Solution

Lecture 50 Lab - Related Node - Exercise with Solution

Lecture 51 Class - Matching with Labels

Lecture 52 Lab - Matching with Labels

Lecture 53 Class - Matching by Incoming Relationships

Lecture 54 Lab - Matching by Incoming Relationships

Lecture 55 Class - Using Uncommon Characters as Variable Names

Lecture 56 Lab - Using Uncommon Characters as Variable Names

Lecture 57 Class - Copying Properties from Nodes

Lecture 58 Lab - Copying Properties from Nodes

Lecture 59 Class - Copying Properties from Relationship

Lecture 60 Lab - Copying Properties from Relationship

Section 6: Return Clause in Neo4j

Lecture 61 Class - Neo4j Return vs SQL Select

Lecture 62 Lab - Neo4j Return vs SQL Select

Lecture 63 Class - Returning Node Properties

Lecture 64 Lab - Returning Node Properties

Lecture 65 Class - Relationship/Relationship Type

Lecture 66 Lab - Relationship/Relationship Type

Lecture 67 Class - Alias

Lecture 68 Lab - Alias

Lecture 69 Class - Distinct

Lecture 70 Lab - Distinct

Lecture 71 Class - Returning Properties

Lecture 72 Lab - Returning Properties

Lecture 73 Class - Returning all Labels

Lecture 74 Lab - Returning all Labels

Lecture 75 Class - Returning all Relationships

Lecture 76 Lab - Returning all Relationships

Section 7: Back to Match Clause | More Examples

Lecture 77 Class - Fetching Relationship Types

Lecture 78 Lab - Fetching Relationship Types

Lecture 79 Class - Matching on relationship types

Lecture 80 Lab - Matching on relationship types

Lecture 81 Class - Matching with Multiple Relationship Types

Lecture 82 Lab - Matching with Multiple Relationship Types

Lecture 83 Class and Lab - Match and Create

Lecture 84 Class - Using Multiple Relationships I

Lecture 85 Lab - Using Multiple Relationships I

Lecture 86 Class - Using Multiple Relationships II

Lecture 87 Lab - Using Multiple Relationships II

Lecture 88 Class - Using Multiple Relationships III

Lecture 89 Lab - Using Multiple Relationships III

Section 8: Optional Match in Neo4j

Lecture 90 Class - Understanding Optional Match I

Lecture 91 Lab - Understanding Optional Match I

Lecture 92 Class - Understanding Optional Match II

Lecture 93 Lab - Understanding Optional Match II

Section 9: Order By Clause in Neo4j

Lecture 94 Class & Lab - Understanding Order By I

Lecture 95 Class & Lab - Understanding Order By II

Lecture 96 Class & Lab - Understanding Order By III

Lecture 97 Class & Lab - Understanding Order By IV

Section 10: Limit Clause in Neo4j

Lecture 98 Class and Lab - Understanding the Limit Clause in Neo4j I

Lecture 99 Class and Lab - Understanding the Limit Clause in Neo4j II

Section 11: Skip Clause in Neo4j

Lecture 100 Class and Lab - Understanding Skip Clause in Neo4j

Section 12: Union Clause in Neo4j

Lecture 101 Class and Lab - Understanding the Union Clause in Neo4j

Section 13: WITH Clause in Neo4j

Lecture 102 Class - Understanding the WITH Clause

Lecture 103 Lab - Understanding the WITH Clause

Lecture 104 Class - WITH Clause - Example

Lecture 105 Lab - WITH Clause - Example

Lecture 106 Class - WITH Clause with Alias

Lecture 107 Lab - WITH Clause with Alias

Lecture 108 Class - More on WITH Clause

Lecture 109 Lab - Class - More on WITH Clause

Lecture 110 Class - WITH clause and COLLECT

Lecture 111 Lab - WITH clause and COLLECT

Lecture 112 Class - WITH clause - More Instance

Lecture 113 Lab - WITH clause - More Instance

Section 14: Pattern and Pattern Matching in Neo4j

Lecture 114 Class - Pattern Matching

Lecture 115 Lab - Pattern Matching

Lecture 116 Class - Variable length

Lecture 117 Lab - Variable length

Lecture 118 Class - Zero Length Path

Lecture 119 Lab - Zero Length Path

Lecture 120 Class - All Shortest Paths

Lecture 121 Lab - All Shortest Paths

Lecture 122 Class and Lab - Summary on Pattern

Section 15: Delete and Remove in Neo4j

Lecture 123 Class and Lab - Understanding the Delete Clause

Lecture 124 Class and Lab - Understanding the Remove Clause

Section 16: Constraint in Neo4j

Lecture 125 Class: Understanding Constraints

Lecture 126 Class and Lab: Unique node property constraints

Lecture 127 Class and Lab: Node property existence constraints

Lecture 128 Class and Lab: Relationship property existence constraints

Lecture 129 Class and Lab: Node key constraints

Lecture 130 Class and Lab: Checking for Existing Constraints in Neo4j

Lecture 131 Class and Lab: Deleting Constraint in Neo4j

Section 17: Merge Clause in Neo4j

Lecture 132 Class and Lab - Understanding Merge in Neo4j

Lecture 133 Class and Lab - Merge on Relationship in Neo4j

Lecture 134 Class and Lab - Merge on Multiple Relationship in Neo4j

Lecture 135 Class and Lab - On Create With Merge

Lecture 136 Class and Lab - On Match with Merge

Lecture 137 Class and Lab - ON CREATE and ON MATCH with Merge

Lecture 138 Class and Lab: Merge with ON MATCH for Multiple Properties in Neo4j

Lecture 139 Class and Lab - Merge with ON MATCH for Multiple Properties for None Existing No

Section 18: Null, Comment & "no changes no records" in Neo4j

Lecture 140 Class and Lab: Null Neo4j

Lecture 141 Class and Lab: No Changes, No Records

Lecture 142 Class and Lab: Comment

Section 19: List and Range in Neo4j

Lecture 143 Class - Understanding List in Neo4j

Lecture 144 Class - Understanding Range() in Neo4j

Lecture 145 Lab - Understanding Range() in Neo4j

Lecture 146 Class and Lab - Accessing the Elements of a List

Lecture 147 Class - Accessing Range of Elements of a List

Lecture 148 Lab - Accessing Range of Elements of a List

Lecture 149 Class and Lab - Out-of-bound Llice

Lecture 150 Class and Lab - Size of a List

Section 20: List and Pattern Comprehension in Neo4j

Lecture 151 Class and Lab - Understanding List Comprehension in Neo4j

Lecture 152 Class and Lab - More on List Comprehension in Neo4j

Lecture 153 Class and Lab - Pattern Comprehension

Section 21: Unwind in Neo4j

Lecture 154 Class and lab - Understanding Collect

Lecture 155 Class and lab - Understanding Unwind

Lecture 156 Class and lab - WITH and UNWIND

Lecture 157 Class and lab - WITH, COLLECT & UNWIND By Example

Lecture 158 Class and Lab - More Example on UNWIND

Lecture 159 Class and Lab - UNWIND List of Lists

Section 22: Where in Neo4j

Lecture 160 Class and Lab - Understanding Where

Lecture 161 Class and Lab - Filter On Node Property

Lecture 162 Class and Lab - Filter On Relationship Properties

Lecture 163 Class and Lab - Prefix String Search using STARTS WITH

Lecture 164 Class and Lab - Suffix String Search using ENDS WITH

Lecture 165 Class and Lab - Substring Search

Lecture 166 Class and Lab - String Matching Negation

Lecture 167 Class and lab - Filter On Patterns With Properties

Lecture 168 Class and lab - Existential Subquery In Neo4j

Lecture 169 Class and Lab - List With WHERE

Lecture 170 Range comparisons (Comparison Operators (=,<,>,<=,>=,<>) With WHERE In Neo4j

Lecture 171 Boolean (AND, OR, XOR, NOT) With WHERE In Neo4j

Section 23: Count() in Neo4j

Lecture 172 Understanding Count()

Lecture 173 Class and Lab - Counting the number of nodes using labels

Lecture 174 Class and Lab - Counting non null and null rows

Lecture 175 Class and Lab - Count vs Sum

Lecture 176 Class and Lab - Counting unique rows

Lecture 177 Class and Lab - Counting Directly Connected Nodes

Lecture 178 Class and Lab - Counting relationship types of directly connected nodes

Lecture 179 Lab - Counting Followers and Reviewed Videos

Lecture 180 Lab - Counting Grand Children

Section 24: IN Clause in Neo4j

Lecture 181 IN Clause In Neo4j

Section 25: Regular Expression in Neo4j

Lecture 182 Understanding ~, ., ? and + expressions In Neo4j

Lecture 183 Understanding *, [], $, [a-z][A-Z] [a-zA-Z] expression in Neo4j

Lecture 184 More on Regular Expression In Neo4j

Lecture 185 Examples on Regular Expression In Neo4j

Section 26: Set Clause in Neo4j

Lecture 186 Class - Understanding Set | Set Properties of a Node

Lecture 187 Lab - Understanding Set | Set Properties of a Node

Lecture 188 Class and Lab - Set Multiple Properties

Lecture 189 Class and Lab - Set Multiple Properties, Delete all, Add More Properties

Lecture 190 Class and Lab - Set a Single or Multiple Labels

Lecture 191 Class and Lab - Removing a single or all Properties of a Node

Lecture 192 Class and Lab - Updating a Property

Lecture 193 Class and Lab - Copying Properties Between Nodes

Lecture 194 Class and Lab - Copying Properties Between Relationships

Section 27: Parameters in Neo4j

Lecture 195 Class and Lab - Understanding Parameters in Neo4j

Lecture 196 Class and Lab - Assigning a Name to Parameters

Lecture 197 Class and Lab - Accessing the values of a Parameters

Lecture 198 Class and Lab - Accessing and Deleting Existing Parameters

Lecture 199 Class and lab - Updating Properties Using Parameters

Lecture 200 Class and lab - Parameters by Example

Lecture 201 Class and Lab - Using Parameter with Skip and Limit

Lecture 202 Class and Lab - Using Parameters with IDs

Lecture 203 Class and Lab - Using Parameters with a list of IDs

Section 28: CASE in Neo4j

Lecture 204 Class and Lab - Understanding Case

Lecture 205 Class and Lab - Understanding Generic Form of Case

Lecture 206 Class and Lab - Set Properties with CASE

Section 29: Foreach in Neo4j

Lecture 207 Class and Lab - Understanding Foreach

Lecture 208 Class and Lab - Foreach with List

Lecture 209 Class and Lab - Foreach of foreach

Lecture 210 Class and Label - More on foreach of foreach

Lecture 211 Example - Creating Nodes for the days of a week

Lecture 212 Lab - Creating Days of January

Lecture 213 Lab - Creating Days for Month with 31 Days

Lecture 214 Lab - Setting a new property on Nodes

Section 30: LOAD CSV: Importing Data From CSV Files

Lecture 215 Resources

Lecture 216 Class - Understanding CSV file

Lecture 217 Class and Lab - Loading CSV from local drive

Lecture 218 Class and Lab - Loading CS from the internet

Lecture 219 Class and Lab - CSV with line number

Lecture 220 Class and Lab - Locating the CSV file directory

Lecture 221 Class and Lab - Viewing Selected Columns from CSV file

Lecture 222 Class and Lab - Creating empty nodes

Lecture 223 Class and Lab - Creating Nodes with Labels from CSV

Lecture 224 Class and Lab - Creating nodes with properties and labels I

Lecture 225 Class and Lab - Creating nodes with properties and labels II

Lecture 226 Class and Lab - Changing the Property type

Lecture 227 Class and Lab - Fewer Properties Using WITH HEADERS

Section 31: Real-Life Data in Neo4j: Import Multiple SQL Tables/CSV File with Relationships

Lecture 228 Class and Lab - Real-Data Joining two Tables in Neo4j via CSV file

Lecture 229 Class and Lab - Real-Data Joining fourTables in Neo4j via CSV files

Lecture 230 ARCHIVED - How to Build Real Life Graph From Real Data In Neo4j

Lecture 231 ARCHIVED - CODE - How to Build Real Life Graph From Real Data In Neo4j

Section 32: String Function in Neo4j

Lecture 232 left() and right() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 233 lTrim(), rTrim() and Trim() Functions in Neo4j

Lecture 234 replace() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 235 reverse() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 236 split() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 237 subString() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 238 toLower() and toUpper() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 239 toString() Function in Neo4j

Section 33: List Function in Neo4j

Lecture 240 nodes() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 241 nodes() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 242 reduce() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 243 reduce() Function in Neo4j - Code

Lecture 244 tail() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 245 tail() Function in Neo4j - Code

Lecture 246 list Reverse() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 247 List Reverse() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 248 keys() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 249 Keys() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 250 labels() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 251 labels() Function in Neo4j - Code

Lecture 252 range() Function in Neo4j

Section 34: Predicate Function in Neo4j

Lecture 253 Introduction to Predicate Functions

Lecture 254 Resource

Lecture 255 all() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 256 all() Function in Neo4j - Code

Lecture 257 any() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 258 any() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 259 exists() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 260 exists() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 261 not exist()

Lecture 262 not exist() - Code

Lecture 263 none() function in Neo4j

Lecture 264 none() function in Neo4j

Lecture 265 single() function in Neo4j

Lecture 266 single() function in Neo4j - Code

Section 35: Scalar Function in Neo4j

Lecture 267 coalesce() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 268 endNodes() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 269 head() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 270 id() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 271 last() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 272 length() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 273 properties() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 274 ramdomUUID Function in Neo4j

Lecture 275 size() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 276 startNode() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 277 toFloat() Function in Neo4

Lecture 278 toInteger() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 279 type() Function in Neo4j

Section 36: Aggregating Function in Neo4j

Lecture 280 avg() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 281 collect() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 282 max() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 283 min() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 284 stDev() and stDevP Functions in Neo4j

Lecture 285 sum() Function in Neo4j

Section 37: Mathematical Numerical Function in Neo4j

Lecture 286 abs() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 287 ceil() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 288 floor() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 289 rand() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 290 round() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 291 sign() Function in Neo4j

Section 38: Mathematical Trigonometric Function in Neo4j

Lecture 292 degree() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 293 pi() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 294 radian() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 295 sin() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 296 cos() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 297 tan() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 298 asin(), acos(), atan(), cot() and atan2() Functions in Neo4j

Lecture 299 haversin() Function in Neo4j

Section 39: Mathematical Logarithmic Function in Neo4j

Lecture 300 e() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 301 exp() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 302 log() Function in Neo4j

Lecture 303 log10 Function in Neo4j

Lecture 304 sqrt() Function in Neo4j

Section 40: Explain in Neo4j

Lecture 305 Understanding Explain

Section 41: Understanding APOC (Awesome Procedure on Cypher) in Neo4j

Lecture 306 Class: Introduction to APOC

Lecture 307 Lab: APOC Installations

Lecture 308 Class and Lab: Understanding APOC Signature

Lecture 309 Class: CALL and YIELD

Lecture 310 Class and Lab: Creating Multiple Nodes with Same Properties in APOC

Lecture 311 Class and Lab: Producing Millions of Nodes Using Periodic Iterate in APOC

Lecture 312 Class and Lab: Multiple Nodes with Different Properties in APOC

Lecture 313 Class and Lab: Creating Relationships in APOC

Lecture 314 9 Creating Multiple Relationships in APOC

Lecture 315 Lab: Set Existing Properties and Set New Properties in APOC

Lecture 316 Load CSV file with APOC

Lecture 317 Deleting Nodes Using APOC

Section 42: APOC with CSV

Lecture 318 Resources

Lecture 319 Load CSV file from URL into Neo4j using APOC

Lecture 320 Load CSV file from a Local file into Neo4j using APOC

Lecture 321 Load CSV file Without Header from URL into Neo4j using APOC

Lecture 322 Create Relationships Between Nodes from CSV

Lecture 323 Create Relationships Between Nodes from CSV in Batches Using APOC

Section 43: APOC with JSON

Lecture 324 Resources

Lecture 325 Introduction - APOC with JSON

Lecture 326 Loading JSON data and Creating Nodes for them

Lecture 327 Creating Nodes and Relationships From JSON File using APOC

Lecture 328 Loading JSON data from multiple JSON files & Create relationship

Lecture 329 Creating nodes and relationship from same JSON file

Section 44: Application of APOC on Dates

Lecture 330 Solution:APOC Date Challenge 3

Section 45: Python with Neo4j

Lecture 331 Python Driver Installation - (Py2Neo & Neo4j Official Driver)

Lecture 332 CODE: Python Driver Installation - (Py2Neo & Neo4j Official Driver)

Lecture 333 Connecting Python to Neo4j

Lecture 334 CODE: Connecting Python to Neo4j

Lecture 335 Working with Neo4j from Python

Lecture 336 CODE: Working with Neo4j from Python

Lecture 337 Using Real Data From Python to Neo4j

Lecture 338 CODE: Using Real Data From Python to Neo4j

Section 46: Hands-on Challenges with Solutions


Lecture 340 Exercise 1 Challenge (ALL NODES)

Lecture 341 VIDEO EXPLANATION : Exercise 1 Solution

Lecture 342 CODE: Exercise 1 Solution

Lecture 343 Exercise 2 Challenge (Names of People In Database)

Lecture 344 VIDEO EXPLANATION : Exercise 2 Solution

Lecture 345 CODE: Exercise 2 Solution

Lecture 346 Exercise 3 Challenge (ALIAS)

Lecture 347 VIDEO EXPLANATION : Exercise 3 Solution

Lecture 348 CODE: Exercise 3 Solution

Lecture 349 Exercise 4 Challenge (PATTERN)

Lecture 350 VIDEO EXPLANATION : Exercise 4 Solution

Lecture 351 CODE: Exercise 4 Solution

Lecture 352 Exercise 5 Challenge (PATTERN)

Lecture 353 VIDEO EXPLANATION : Exercise 5 Solution

Lecture 354 CODE: Exercise 5 Solution

Lecture 355 Exercise 6 Challenge (PATTERN)

Lecture 356 VIDEO EXPLANATION : Exercise 6 Solution

Lecture 357 CODE: Exercise 6 Solution

Lecture 358 Exercise 7 Challenge (PATTERN)

Lecture 359 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 7 Solution

Lecture 360 CODE: Exercise 7 Solution

Lecture 361 Exercise 8 Challenge (PATTERN)

Lecture 362 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 8 Solution

Lecture 363 CODE: Exercise 8 Solution

Lecture 364 Exercise 9 Challenge (PATTERN)

Lecture 365 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 9 Solution

Lecture 366 CODE: Exercise 9 Solution

Lecture 367 Exercise 10 Challenge (PATTERN)

Lecture 368 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 10 Solution

Lecture 369 CODE: Exercise 10 Solution

Lecture 370 Exercise 11 Challenge (COUNT)

Lecture 371 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 11 Solution

Lecture 372 CODE: Exercise 11 Solution

Lecture 373 Exercise 12 Challenge (COUNT)

Lecture 374 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 12 Solution

Lecture 375 CODE: Exercise 12 Solution

Lecture 376 Exercise 13 Challenge (PATTERN)

Lecture 377 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 13 Solution

Lecture 378 CODE: Exercise 13 Solution

Lecture 379 Exercise 14 Challenge (PATTERN)

Lecture 380 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 14 Solution

Lecture 381 CODE: Exercise 14 Solution

Lecture 382 Exercise 15 Challenge (PATTERN)

Lecture 383 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 15 Solution

Lecture 384 CODE: Exercise 15 Solution

Lecture 385 Exercise 16 Challenge (PATTERN)

Lecture 386 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 16 Solution

Lecture 387 CODE: Exercise 16 Solution

Lecture 388 Exercise 17 Challenge (PATTERN)

Lecture 389 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 17 Solution

Lecture 390 CODE: Exercise 17 Solution

Lecture 391 Exercise 18 Challenge (PATTERN)

Lecture 392 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 18 Solution

Lecture 393 CODE: Exercise 18 Solution

Lecture 394 Exercise 19 Challenge

Lecture 395 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 19 Solution

Lecture 396 CODE: Exercise 19 Solution

Lecture 397 Exercise 20 Challenge

Lecture 398 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 20 Solution

Lecture 399 CODE: Exercise 20 Solution

Lecture 400 Exercise 21 Challenge

Lecture 401 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 21 Solution

Lecture 402 CODE: Exercise 21 Solution

Lecture 403 Exercise 22 Challenge

Lecture 404 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 22 Solution

Lecture 405 CODE: Exercise 22 Solution

Lecture 406 Exercise 23 Challenge

Lecture 407 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 33 Solution

Lecture 408 CODE: Exercise 23 Solution

Lecture 409 Exercise 24 Challenge (LOAD CSV)

Lecture 410 VIDEO EXPLANATION: Exercise 24 Solution

Lecture 411 CODE: Exercise 24 Solution

Section 47: More - Hands-on Challenges with Solutions


Lecture 413 Exercise 1 (CREATE)

Lecture 414 CODE: Exercise 1 (CREATE) Solution

Lecture 415 Exercise 2 (MATCH)

Lecture 416 CODE: Exercise 2 (MATCH) Solution

Lecture 417 Exercise 3 (WHERE, IN and REGULAR EXPRESSION)

Lecture 418 CODE: Exercise 3 (WHERE, IN and REGULAR EXPRESSION) Solution

Lecture 419 Exercise 4 (WITH and COUNT)

Lecture 420 CODE:Exercise 4 (WITH and COUNT) Solution

Lecture 421 Exercise 5 (WITH, COUNT and WHERE)

Lecture 422 Exercise 5 (WITH, COUNT and WHERE) Solution

Lecture 423 Exercise 6 (WITH, COUNT and SET)

Lecture 424 Exercise 6 (WITH, COUNT and SET) SOLUTION

Lecture 425 Exercise 7 (PATTERN)

Lecture 426 Exercise 7 (PATTERN) Solution

Lecture 427 Exercise 8 (CASE)

Lecture 428 Exercise 8 (CASE) Solution

Lecture 429 Exercise 9 (CASE)

Lecture 430 Exercise 9 (CASE) Solution

Lecture 431 Exercise 10 (PARAM)

Lecture 432 Exercise 10 (PARAM) Solution

Lecture 433 Exercise 11 (PARAM & REGEX)

Lecture 434 Exercise 11 (PARAM & REGEX) Solution

Lecture 435 Exercise 12 (PARAM & Case-sensitive String Matching)

Lecture 436 Exercise 12 (PARAM & Case-sensitive String Matching) Solution

Lecture 437 Exercise 13 (PARAM & Create Node With Properties)

Lecture 438 Exercise 13 (PARAM & Create Node With Properties) Solution

Lecture 439 Exercise 14 (PARAM & Create Multiple Nodes with Properties)

Lecture 440 Exercise 14 (PARAM & Create Multiple Nodes with Properties) Solution

Lecture 441 Exercise 15 (Replacing All Properties Using The = operator)

Lecture 442 Exercise 15 (Replacing All Properties Using The = operator) Solution

Lecture 443 Exercise 16 (Mutating Specific Properties Using The += Operator)

Lecture 444 Exercise 16 (Mutating Specific Properties Using The += Operator) Solution

Lecture 445 Exercise 17 (Exponentiation Operator ^)

Lecture 446 Exercise 17 (Exponentiation Operator ^) Solution

Lecture 447 Exercise 18 (Unary Minus Operator)

Lecture 448 Exercise 18 (Unary Minus Operator) Solution

Lecture 449 Exercise 19 Comparing Two Numbers)

Lecture 450 Exercise 19 Comparing Two Numbers) Solution

Lecture 451 Exercise 20 (Filtering with STARTS WITH)

Lecture 452 Exercise 20 (Filtering with STARTS WITH) Solution

Lecture 453 Exercise 21 (Filter numbers With Boolean Operators )

Lecture 454 Exercise 21 (Filter numbers With Boolean Operators) Solution

Lecture 455 Exercise 22 (Regular Expression)

Lecture 456 Exercise 22 (Regular Expression) Solution

Lecture 457 Exercise 23 (Nested Map With . Operator)

Lecture 458 Exercise 23 (Nested Map With . Operator) Solution

Lecture 459 Exercise 24 (Concatenating Two Lists Using +)

Lecture 460 Exercise 24 (Concatenating Two Lists Using +) Solution

Lecture 461 Exercise 25 (Using IN and list)

Lecture 462 Exercise 25 (Using IN and list) Solution

Lecture 463 Exercise 26 (Using IN and List)

Lecture 464 Exercise 26 (Using IN and List) Solution

Lecture 465 Exercise 27 (Accessing Element In A List Using [])

Lecture 466 Exercise 27 (Accessing Element In A List Using []) Solution

Lecture 467 Exercise 28 (Accessing Element In A List Using [])

Lecture 468 Exercise 28 (Accessing Element In A List Using []) Solution

Lecture 469 Exercise 29 (Comment)

Lecture 470 Exercise 29 (Comment) Solution

Lecture 471 Exercise 30 (Pattern)

Lecture 472 Exercise 30 (Pattern) Solution

Lecture 473 Exercise 31 (Pattern)

Lecture 474 Exercise 31 (Pattern) Solution

Lecture 475 Exercise 32 (List Comprehension)

Lecture 476 Exercise 32 (List Comprehension) Solution

Lecture 477 Exercise 33 (List Comprehension)

Lecture 478 Exercise 33 (List Comprehension) Solution

Lecture 479 Exercise 34 (List Comprehension)

Lecture 480 Exercise 34 (List Comprehension) Solution

Lecture 481 Exercise 35 (Map Projection)

Lecture 482 Exercise 35 (Map Projection) Solution

Lecture 483 Exercise 36 (Map Projection)

Lecture 484 Exercise 36 (Map Projection) Solution

Lecture 485 Exercise 37 (Map Projection)

Lecture 486 Exercise 37 (Map Projection) Solution

Lecture 487 Exercise 38 (EXPLAIN)

Lecture 488 Exercise 38 (EXPLAIN) Solution

Lecture 489 Exercise 39 (IN)

Lecture 490 Exercise 39 (IN) Solution

Lecture 491 Exercise 40 (Pattern Comprehension)

Lecture 492 Exercise 40 (Pattern Comprehension) Solution

Section 48: NEO4J Exams and Interview Questions and Answers


Lecture 494 1. Property Types

Lecture 495 2. Structural Types

Lecture 496 3. NAMING RULES

Lecture 497 4. NAMING RULES (Alphabetic characters)

Lecture 498 5. NAMING RULES (Numbers)

Lecture 499 6. NAMING RULES (Symbols)

Lecture 500 7. NAMING RULES (Length)

Lecture 501 8. NAMING RULES (Whitespace characters)




Lecture 505 12. CLAUSES ( Reserved keywords)

Lecture 506 13.SUBCLAUSES ( Reserved keywords)

Lecture 507 14. MODIFIERS ( Reserved keywords)

Lecture 508 15. EXPRESSIONS ( Reserved keywords)

Lecture 509 16. OPERATORS ( Reserved keywords)

Lecture 510 17. SCHEMA ( Reserved keywords)

Lecture 511 18. HINTS ( Reserved keywords)

Lecture 512 19. LITERALS (Reserved keywords)


Lecture 514 21. PROTOCOL

Lecture 515 22. PROFILE


Lecture 517 24. ACID

Lecture 518 25. OPTIONAL MATCH


Lecture 520 27. MODELING

Lecture 521 28. PROPERTY VALUE

Lecture 522 29. SET

Lecture 523 30. DRIVER

Lecture 524 31. SANDBOX

Lecture 525 31. PROPERTIES

Lecture 526 33. NEO4j EDITIONS

Lecture 527 34. KEYS

Lecture 528 35. RELATIONSHIP

Lecture 529 36. BACKUP

Lecture 530 37. PAGE CACHE



Lecture 533 40. BOLT SERVER PORT

Lecture 534 41. PROCEDURE

Lecture 535 42. LANGUAGE DRIVER

Lecture 536 43. ORDER BY


Lecture 538 45. ALGORITHM


Lecture 540 47. TUNING



Lecture 543 50. MERGE


Lecture 545 52.PROPERTY VALUE

Lecture 546 53. AGGRAGATION

Lecture 547 54. PROCEDURE

Lecture 548 55. NODES

Lecture 549 56. TLS ENCRYPTION

Lecture 550 57. EXCEPTION

Lecture 551 58. INDEX

Lecture 552 59. PROFILE

Lecture 553 60. MODELLING

Lecture 554 61. LABEL

Lecture 555 62. CYPHER

Lecture 556 63. READ & WRITE

Lecture 557 64. RELATIONSHIP

Lecture 558 65. LABEL

Lecture 559 66. LOG FILES

Lecture 560 67. NEO4j DEPLOYMENT

Lecture 561 68. LABEL AND PROPERTY

Lecture 562 69. MODELLING

Lecture 563 70. LOGS

Lecture 564 71. CAUSAL CLUSTER

Lecture 565 72. RELATIONSHIP

Lecture 566 73. CAUSAL CLUSTER

Lecture 567 74. RELATIONSHIP

Lecture 568 75. PRIVILEGE

Lecture 569 76. CAUSAL CLUSTER

Lecture 570 77. EXPORT

Lecture 571 78. LICENSES

Lecture 572 79. DATA MODEL

Lecture 573 80. READ REPLICAS

Lecture 574 81. CLUSTER

Lecture 575 82. AGGREGATION

Lecture 576 83. KEY

Lecture 577 84. COUNT

Lecture 578 85. LIMIT CLAUSE

Lecture 579 86. CALL

Lecture 580 87. RELATIONSHIP


Lecture 582 89. PARAM

Lecture 583 90. AUTHENTICATION

Lecture 584 91. SECURITY

Lecture 585 92. LOAD CSV

Lecture 586 93. RELATIONSHIP

Lecture 587 94. TYPE OF DATABASE


Lecture 589 96. EXTENTIONS

Lecture 590 97. CYPHER STATEMENT

Lecture 591 98. LOADING DATA

Lecture 592 99. TIMELINE TREE

Lecture 593 100. JAVA RUNTIME

Lecture 594 101. DISTINCT

Lecture 595 102. SCHEMA



Lecture 598 105. PARAM


Lecture 600 107. DELETE

Lecture 601 108. MODELLING


Lecture 603 110. SUM

Lecture 604 111. COUNT

Lecture 605 112. INDEX

Lecture 606 113. TYPE

Lecture 607 114. PROCEDURE

Lecture 608 115. NULL

Lecture 609 116. LANGUAGE DRIVER

Lecture 610 117. LABEL

Lecture 611 118. WHERE

Lecture 612 119. AUTHENTICATION

Lecture 613 120. RAFT log

Lecture 614 121. CONFIG


Lecture 616 123. BACKUP

Lecture 617 124. EXTRACT

Lecture 618 125. SET

Lecture 619 126. MEMORY

Lecture 620 127. LIBRARIES

Lecture 621 128. BACKUP

Lecture 622 129. CYPHER STATEMENT

Lecture 623 130. LINKED LIST

Lecture 624 131. MERGE

Lecture 625 132. IN

Lecture 626 133. CALL

Lecture 627 134. NEO4J BROWSER

Lecture 628 135. MAP


Lecture 630 137. LABEL

Lecture 631 138. DATA QUERY

Lecture 632 139. NULL

Lecture 633 140. RELATIONSHIP

Lecture 634 141. CAUSAL CLUSTER

Lecture 635 142. RAFT Roles

Lecture 636 143. MATCH & OPTIONAL MATCH

Lecture 637 144. CONFIG

Lecture 638 145. CAUSAL CLUSTER



Lecture 641 148. LANGUAGE DRIVER

Lecture 642 149. DBMS.MODE

Lecture 643 150. DBMS PROCEDURE

Lecture 644 151. INSTANCE

Lecture 645 15. INSTANCE


Lecture 647 154. INSTANCE

Lecture 648 155. LIBRARY

Lecture 649 156. ALIAS

Lecture 650 157. WITH CLAUSE



Lecture 653 160. COUNT

Lecture 654 161. CLUSTER

Lecture 655 162. EXPLAIN

Lecture 656 163. PARAMETER

Lecture 657 164. CONSTRAINT

Lecture 658 165. QUERY

Lecture 659 166. HOW TO KILL NEO4J QUERY

Lecture 660 167. APOC

Section 49: Check these out

Lecture 661 Check out my other courses

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